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Steps 8-10 - Compacting Paving Stones, Joint Sand, & Sealant

Compacting the Paving StonesStep 8 - Compacting the Paving Stones

Finish installation of edge restraints. Sweep the paving-stone surface to remove debris. Make two passes over the surface with the vibrating plate compactor to embed paving stones into the bedding sand. Make any final adjustments in alignment or leveling at this time.

Sweeping Dry Joint SandStep 9 - Joint Sand

Sweep dry joint sand over the paving stones and work it into the joints with a push broom. When desired, use polymeric sand to prevent loss due to water or erosion. Make at least two more passes over the finished installation with a plate compactor, the second pass at an angle to the first, to level surface, firmly seat paving stones into bedding sand and force sand into the joints to ensure they interlock properly. Finally, sweep off excess sand.

Step 10 - Sealant (Optional)

A sealant may be applied to the finished surface to protect paving stones against stains, enhance color and stabilize joint sand.

For estimating guides or additional information on paving stone components please visit

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